此页面提供电子邮件模板,您可以使用这些模板向最终用户和 IT 团队宣布推出 Bitwarden Password Manager。
对于最终用户:向员工宣告 Bitwarden 的电子邮件
以下电子邮件模板可在 Bitwarden Password Manager 推出时发送给您的最终用户。确保将占位符文本(例如 [Event details])替换为特定于您的企业的信息。
To: All end-users
Subject: Introducing Bitwarden Password Manager - new security and productivity tool
Hello everyone,
We are happy to announce the deployment of Bitwarden Password Manager for everyone at [company].
A password manager is a very important tool for staying secure online. Bitwarden generates, saves, and then autofills strong passwords for you, so that you don’t have to remember or type any passwords. Importantly, this makes it easy to have passwords that are unique to every website and app that you log into, which is the best way to stay secure and protect against a data breach. A weak or reused password is a vulnerable entry point for hackers to hurt our business through data breaches, ransomware, or other attacks.
It’s easy to import any passwords that you have saved in your web browser or other solution, so you can get started practicing secure password habits today.
To get started, follow these steps:
Your administrator will help to make sure you have access to the correct shared password collections.
Resources and training
To help you be successful with password management, training is available for users:
Training session option 1: [Event details]
Training session option 2: [Event details]
Visit the Bitwarden learning page for video demos and setup guides. More about Bitwarden can be found at bitwarden.com within their extensive documentation.
Thank you,
对于管理员:向管理员宣告 Bitwarden 的电子邮件
以下电子邮件模板可在 Bitwarden Password Manager 推出时发送给您的 IT 团队。确保将占位符文本(例如 [Event details])替换为特定于您的企业的信息。
To: All end-users
Subject: Introducing Bitwarden Password Manager - new security and productivity tool
Hello everyone,
We are happy to announce the deployment of Bitwarden Password Manager for everyone at [company].
A password manager is a very important tool for staying secure online. Bitwarden generates, saves, and then autofills strong passwords for you, so that you don’t have to remember or type any passwords. Importantly, this makes it easy to have passwords that are unique to every website and app that you log into, which is the best way to stay secure and protect against a data breach. A weak or reused password is a vulnerable entry point for hackers to hurt our business through data breaches, ransomware, or other attacks.
It’s easy to import any passwords that you have saved in your web browser or other solution, so you can get started practicing secure password habits today.
To get started, follow these steps:
Your administrator will help to make sure you have access to the correct shared password collections.
Resources and training
To help you be successful with password management, training is available for users:
Training session option 1: [Event details]
Training session option 2: [Event details]
Visit the Bitwarden learning page for video demos and setup guides. More about Bitwarden can be found at bitwarden.com within their extensive documentation.
Thank you,